This package helps districts evaluate their readiness for educational transformation. It focuses on assessing district culture, capacity, and commitment through a series of interactive sessions. Participants develop a comprehensive action plan for transitioning to a learner-centered model, ensuring long-term support and clear implementation strategies.
This program helps districts forge meaningful collaborations with local businesses to enhance curriculum and training opportunities. The package offers actionable steps and a clear framework for successful implementation and continuous improvement, benefiting both students and the community.
This package helps districts design flexible, engaging CTE opportunities for grades 6-8. The program encourages early career exploration and skill development, preparing students for their futures while aligning with district resources and community needs.
This program offers a streamlined approach to developing CTE pathways across four engaging sessions. You’ll start by exploring local workforce needs and student interests, then learn how to plan for funding and resources. Finally, you'll design and implement practical CTE pathways with blueprints and evaluation strategies to ensure success.
This package introduces districts to IGNITE's competency-based education model. Participants will explore strategies for equity and active learning, creating customized action plans for implementation.
This package equips districts with a comprehensive plan to integrate core academic credits (math, English, science, and social studies) into Career and Technical Education (CTE) pathways using the IGNITE academic model.